RICE Framework ChatGPT acronym breakdown.

Master the RICE Framework ChatGPT Prompt For Better Decisions

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What Is he RICE Framework for ChatGPT?

The RICE framework has become a cornerstone in prioritization tools across various industries. It aids in evaluating ideas through four components: Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. Using the RICE method provides a quantitative and qualitative approach to decision making.

The RICE prompt framework helps us pick the best projects or options based on their bang for the buck, or in fancier terms, their impact and feasibility.

Origins of RICE

First cooked up by the brains at Intercom, it became a big deal 'cause it helps teams not just chase cool ideas, but choose ones that make the most sense business wise.

You can catch the original vibe of RICE in Intercom's blog post.

Adapting RICE for ChatGPT

Now for the juicy part, tweaking RICE for ChatGPT prompts.

Imagine you’ve got a bunch of ideas to make your product smarter or more helpful. RICE helps you figure out which product tweaks will hit the sweet spot with users and not just drain your resources.

In This Article

A person at a desk in front of a bunch of data conducting a RICE analysis.

Components of the RICE Framework

When you're knee deep in prompt engineering, every component of RICE gives you a solid base to judge if your ideas are just cool or actually killer.

Let’s break it down and see how each piece fits into the puzzle of crafting better results.


In the ChatGPT world, Reach means how many people your change is gonna affect.

Think of it like this: If you tweak a feature that only a few use, that’s low reach. But change something commonly used? That’s big reach. 

It’s all about maximizing the number of folks who get a better experience from your improvements.


Impact is all about the difference your change makes.

Does tweaking this feature make the product way more helpful? Does it help users faster or more accurately?

This is where you measure if the juice is worth the squeeze, like, will this change seriously up your products game?


Got a hunch your idea is gold? That’s where Confidence comes into play. This part’s about how sure you are that your tweak will succeed.

Got data or past experiments backing up your idea? High confidence. Shooting in the dark? Not so much.


Last up, Effort is what it costs you to make the change. We’re talking time, money, people, and other resources.

A quick fix with a big payoff is great, but a month long project that only makes a tiny difference? Maybe not worth it.

Implementing the RICE Framework

Applying the RICE framework effectively can seriously boost the efficiency and impact of your ChatGPT prompt engineering efforts.

Let's walk through how to use this nifty prompt step by step.

ChatGPT Performs a Step by Step RICE Calculation

  1. Define Your Metrics: First up, ChatGPT lays out what "Reach", "Impact", "Confidence", and "Effort" mean for each of your ideas.
  2. Score Each Component: Each idea is given a score from 1 to 10 for Reach, Impact, and Confidence, and estimate the Effort it will take in weeks.
  3. Calculate the RICE Score: Here’s the formula : RICE Score = (Reach×Impact×Confidence) / Effort ​ This score helps you compare ideas directly, even if they're pretty different from each other.
  4. Prioritize: Higher RICE scores point to ideas that should be at the top of your list because they promise the best return on investment.
Entering the RICE framework ChatGPT prompt into ChatGPT input field.

RICE Framework ChatGPT Prompt Template

You can use the following template to have ChatGPT conduct a detailed RICE analysis for you:

You are an expert Business Analyst. 

I have a [Thing] and I want to [Goal]. I am considering implementing the following changes, conduct a detailed RICE analysis(range 1-10, include RICE scores):

[List of changes]

Example Using the RICE Framework Prompt to Increase Instagram Reach

To prioritize what to do to increase the reach on Instagram for a gardening blog:

You are an expert Business Analyst. 

I have a blog on Gardening and I want to improve my Instagram reach. I am considering implementing the following changes, conduct a detailed RICE analysis(range 1-10, include RICE scores):

1. Post consistently: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and increases visibility.
2. Use high-quality visuals: Eye-catching photos and videos grab attention.
3. Utilize Instagram Stories: They provide a more casual way to engage with your audience.
4. Host giveaways and contests: Encourage likes, comments, and shares for participation.
5. Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers can expose your brand to new audiences.

ChatGPT then conducted this detailed RICE analysis:

Sure, let's conduct a RICE analysis for each proposed change:

  1. Post consistently:
  • Reach (R): 7 - Consistent posting ensures your content reaches a wider audience over time.
  • Impact (I): 8 - Regular posting boosts engagement and visibility, potentially leading to increased followers and interactions.
  • Confidence (C): 7 - With proper planning and scheduling tools, maintaining consistency is feasible.
  • Effort (E): 5 - Requires time and effort to plan and create content but can be streamlined with scheduling tools.
  • RICE Score: (7 * 8 * 7) / 5 = 78.4
  1. Use high-quality visuals:
  • Reach (R): 8 - High-quality visuals attract attention and can help your posts stand out in a crowded feed.
  • Impact (I): 9 - Visual content tends to receive more engagement, including likes, comments, and shares.
  • Confidence (C): 8 - Confidence is high if you have the necessary skills or access to resources to create or source quality visuals.
  • Effort (E): 7 - Requires time and possibly resources to consistently produce or curate high-quality visuals.
  • RICE Score: (8 * 9 * 8) / 7 = 82.3
  1. Utilize Instagram Stories:
  • Reach (R): 6 - Stories are visible to followers and potentially new audiences, but they have a shorter lifespan compared to regular posts.
  • Impact (I): 7 - Stories provide a more immediate and casual way to engage with your audience, encouraging interaction.
  • Confidence (C): 6 - Confidence is slightly lower due to the ephemeral nature of Stories and the need to consistently create engaging content.
  • Effort (E): 6 - Requires regular creation of content tailored to the Story format.
  • RICE Score: (6 * 7 * 6) / 6 = 42
  1. Host giveaways and contests:
  • Reach (R): 7 - Giveaways and contests can attract new followers as participants often share your content with their networks.
  • Impact (I): 8 - Encourages likes, comments, and shares, boosting engagement and potentially increasing followers.
  • Confidence (C): 7 - Confidence is high if you have experience in organizing such events or can follow established guidelines.
  • Effort (E): 8 - Requires planning, coordination, and possibly resources for prizes.
  • RICE Score: (7 * 8 * 7) / 8 = 45.5
  1. Collaborate with influencers:
  • Reach (R): 9 - Partnering with influencers exposes your brand to their established audience, potentially reaching a large number of new followers.
  • Impact (I): 9 - Influencers' endorsement can significantly increase brand visibility, credibility, and engagement.
  • Confidence (C): 7 - Confidence depends on finding suitable influencers and negotiating mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Effort (E): 9 - Requires research, outreach, negotiation, and possibly financial compensation.
  • RICE Score: (9 * 9 * 7) / 9 = 63

Based on the RICE scores, focusing on high-quality visuals and consistent posting seems to be the most impactful strategies to improve Instagram reach for your gardening blog. Utilizing Instagram Stories can also be beneficial, although it has a slightly lower score. Hosting giveaways and collaborating with influencers are effective strategies but may require more effort and resources to implement effectively.

ChatGPT GPT-3.5

Using the RICE Framework to Compare Options

To compare the feasibility of two different options we can use the following RICE prompt:

You are an expert Business Analyst. 

I have a blog on Fishing that I want to grow. I am considering implementing the following changes, conduct a detailed RICE analysis(range 1-10, include RICE scores):

SEO Optimization vs. Social Media Advertising
SEO Optimization: Focus on improving site SEO to increase organic traffic.
Social Media Advertising: Invest in ads on platforms like Instagram or Facebook to drive traffic and engagement.

ChatGPT then used the RICE method to compare the two potential options:

Sure, let's break down the RICE analysis for each option:

  1. SEO Optimization:
  • Reach (R): 7
    • SEO optimization has the potential to significantly increase organic traffic, reaching a wide audience interested in fishing.
  • Impact (I): 8
    • Improving site SEO can lead to long-term benefits by driving sustained organic traffic growth, increasing visibility, and potentially improving search engine rankings.
  • Confidence (C): 6
    • SEO optimization strategies can be effective, but success may vary depending on factors such as algorithm changes, competition, and the quality of the content.
  • Effort (E): 5
    • Implementing SEO optimization involves tasks such as keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, and backlink building. While it requires effort, it's manageable with the right expertise and resources.
    RICE Score: (7 * 8 * 6) / 5 = 67.2
  1. Social Media Advertising:
  • Reach (R): 9
    • Social media advertising allows targeting specific demographics interested in fishing, potentially reaching a large audience beyond organic reach.
  • Impact (I): 7
    • Ads on platforms like Instagram or Facebook can drive immediate traffic and engagement, leading to increased visibility, website visits, and potentially conversions.
  • Confidence (C): 7
    • Social media advertising performance can be relatively predictable based on historical data and platform analytics, but it can still be influenced by factors like ad creative, targeting, and audience behavior.
  • Effort (E): 4
    • Setting up and managing social media advertising campaigns requires time and expertise in ad creation, targeting, and optimization. However, platforms provide user-friendly interfaces and tools to streamline the process.
    RICE Score: (9 * 7 * 7) / 4 = 110.25

Based on the RICE analysis, Social Media Advertising has a higher score (110.25) compared to SEO Optimization (67.2). Therefore, investing in social media advertising may yield greater results in terms of reach, impact, and confidence, with relatively less effort required compared to SEO optimization. However, it's important to consider your specific goals, target audience, and available resources before making a decision.

ChatGPT GPT-3.5

RICE in Action: Real World ChatGPT Prompt Examples

A collage of the various use cases of the RICE framework ChatGPT prompt.

Let's look at a real ways you can use the RICE framework for ChatGPT:

1. Boosting Sales for Handmade Jewelry E-commerce

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase sales for a handmade jewelry e-commerce store.

  1. Launch a referral program: Incentivize existing customers to refer friends for discounts.
  2. Improve product descriptions: Clear and compelling descriptions can increase conversions.
  3. Invest in email marketing: Send personalized emails to engage customers and promote products.
  4. Offer free shipping: Eliminating shipping costs can incentivize more purchases.
  5. Collaborate with fashion bloggers: Partner with influencers to showcase your products to their followers.

2. Growing Subscribers for Cooking YouTube Channel

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase subscriber count for a cooking YouTube channel.

  1. Create searchable titles: Optimize video titles with keywords to improve discoverability.
  2. Collaborate with other YouTubers: Cross-promotion can introduce your channel to new audiences.
  3. Run a giveaway: Encourage viewers to subscribe for a chance to win prizes.
  4. Post consistently: Regular uploads keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  5. Optimize thumbnails: Eye-catching thumbnails can attract more clicks and views.

3. Increasing Engagement on Fitness Blog

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase engagement on a fitness blog.

  1. Start a weekly newsletter: Share exclusive content, tips, and updates with subscribers.
  2. Create interactive quizzes: Engage visitors with quizzes related to fitness goals and preferences.
  3. Launch a forum or community: Provide a platform for users to connect, ask questions, and share experiences.
  4. Offer free downloadable resources: Provide workout plans, meal guides, or printable trackers to add value.
  5. Host live Q&A sessions: Interact with your audience in real-time, addressing their fitness concerns and questions.

4. Increasing Brand Awareness for Sustainable Fashion Blog

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase brand awareness for a sustainable fashion blog.

  1. Partner with eco-friendly brands: Collaborate with brands that align with your values to reach their audience.
  2. Attend fashion events: Network with industry professionals and showcase your brand.
  3. Publish guest posts on relevant websites: Increase your reach by contributing valuable content to other platforms.
  4. Host workshops or webinars: Educate your audience about sustainable fashion practices and promote your brand.
  5. Utilize social media influencers: Partner with influencers who advocate for sustainability to amplify your message.

5. Driving Traffic to Travel Blog

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to drive traffic to a travel blog.

  1. Optimize for SEO: Improve website visibility by targeting relevant keywords and optimizing meta tags.
  2. Create travel guides: Provide comprehensive guides to popular destinations to attract organic traffic.
  3. Collaborate with travel agencies: Partner with agencies to promote your blog to their clients.
  4. Guest post on travel websites: Reach new audiences by contributing articles to other travel-related platforms.
  5. Share user-generated content: Encourage followers to share their travel experiences using a branded hashtag.

6. Increasing Engagement on DIY Crafting Social Media Platforms

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase engagement on DIY crafting social media platforms.

  1. Run themed photo contests: Encourage followers to share photos of their DIY projects for a chance to win prizes.
  2. Create video tutorials: Share step-by-step tutorials on popular crafting projects to attract and engage your audience.
  3. Collaborate with influencers: Partner with influencers in the crafting niche to reach their followers.
  4. Host live crafting sessions: Interact with your audience in real-time, answering questions and demonstrating techniques.
  5. Share user-generated content: Showcase your followers' creations on your social media platforms, giving them recognition and fostering community.

7. Monetizing Pet Care Blog

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to monetize a pet care blog.

  1. Join affiliate programs: Promote pet products and services through affiliate links on your blog.
  2. Offer sponsored content: Partner with pet-related brands to create sponsored posts or reviews.
  3. Create digital products: Develop and sell ebooks, guides, or online courses related to pet care.
  4. Launch a Patreon or membership program: Offer exclusive content and perks to subscribers in exchange for a monthly fee.
  5. Host sponsored events or webinars: Partner with brands to host educational events or webinars for your audience.

8. Improving Engagement on Food Blog

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to improve engagement on a food blog.

  1. Host cooking challenges: Encourage followers to participate by sharing their own recipes or creations.
  2. Create polls and surveys: Engage your audience by asking for their opinions on food-related topics.
  3. Collaborate with food influencers: Partner with influencers to cross-promote content and reach a wider audience.
  4. Share behind the scenes content: Give your audience a glimpse into your cooking process or daily life.
  5. Implement user-generated content features: Showcase recipes or photos shared by your followers on your blog or social media.

9. Growing Audience for Book Review Website

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to grow the audience of a book review website.

  1. Expand social media presence: Increase activity and engagement on platforms frequented by book enthusiasts.
  2. Start a book club: Create a community around reading by hosting discussions and recommending books.
  3. Guest post on related blogs: Collaborate with other book bloggers to reach new audiences.
  4. Offer exclusive content for subscribers: Provide access to interviews, sneak peeks, or bonus reviews for newsletter subscribers.
  5. Launch a podcast: Share book reviews, author interviews, and literary discussions to attract listeners and readers.

10. Boosting Sales for Handcrafted Home Decor Shop

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to boost sales for a shop selling handcrafted home decor items.

  1. Improve product photography: Enhance visual appeal by investing in professional product photography.
  2. Offer personalized items: Attract customers with the option to customize products to their preferences.
  3. Collaborate with interior designers: Partner with professionals to showcase your products in styled settings.
  4. Attend local markets and craft fairs: Increase exposure by participating in events frequented by your target audience.
  5. Implement a loyalty program: Reward repeat customers with discounts, exclusive offers, or VIP perks.

11. Increasing Social Media Engagement for Beauty Brand

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase social media engagement for a beauty brand.

  1. Launch interactive polls and quizzes: Encourage audience participation by asking for opinions or preferences related to beauty products and trends.
  2. Host live makeup tutorials: Engage with followers in real-time, demonstrating makeup techniques and answering questions.
  3. Share user-generated content: Showcase photos and testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.
  4. Collaborate with influencers: Partner with beauty influencers to create sponsored content and reach a wider audience.
  5. Run social media contests or giveaways: Encourage engagement and attract new followers by offering prizes related to beauty products.

12. Improving Email Marketing Effectiveness for Fashion E-commerce

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to improve the effectiveness of email marketing for a fashion e-commerce store.

  1. Segment email lists: Target different customer segments with personalized content and offers based on their preferences and purchase history.
  2. A/B test subject lines and content: Experiment with different messaging and design elements to optimize open and click-through rates.
  3. Offer exclusive discounts and promotions: Incentivize subscribers to make purchases by providing exclusive offers and early access to sales.
  4. Create compelling visuals and copy: Capture attention with visually appealing images and persuasive language that highlights product benefits.
  5. Implement automated workflows: Set up automated email sequences to welcome new subscribers, follow up on abandoned carts, and re-engage inactive customers.

13. Driving Traffic to Tech Blog through Content Marketing

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to drive traffic to a tech blog through content marketing strategies.

  1. Develop comprehensive guides and tutorials: Create in-depth resources that provide valuable information and solve common problems for your target audience.
  2. Guest post on industry blogs and publications: Expand your reach by contributing guest articles to reputable websites in the tech niche.
  3. Optimize content for SEO: Increase visibility in search engine results by targeting relevant keywords and optimizing on-page elements.
  4. Share content across social media channels: Promote blog posts and articles on platforms frequented by tech enthusiasts, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Reddit.
  5. Collaborate with influencers and thought leaders: Partner with industry experts to co-create content, participate in interviews, or host webinars to leverage their audience and expertise.

14. Enhancing Social Media Advertising for Fitness Brand

Conduct a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to enhance social media advertising for a fitness brand.

  1. Define clear campaign objectives: Set specific goals such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads to ensure focused and measurable results.
  2. Target relevant audiences: Utilize detailed targeting options provided by social media platforms to reach users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to fitness and wellness.
  3. Create compelling ad creatives: Develop visually appealing images, videos, and ad copy that resonate with your target audience and highlight the benefits of your fitness products or services.
  4. Test different ad formats and placements: Experiment with various ad formats (e.g., carousel ads, video ads, story ads) and placements (e.g., news feed, stories, audience network) to identify the most effective combinations for achieving your objectives.
  5. Monitor and optimize campaign performance: Regularly review key metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS), and make data-driven adjustments to optimize campaign performance and maximize ROI.

15. Increasing Website Traffic through Influencer Partnerships

Craft a detailed RICE analysis for implementing changes to increase website traffic through partnerships with social media influencers.

  1. Identify relevant influencers: Research and identify influencers within your niche whose audience demographics and interests align with your target market and brand values.
  2. Develop partnership strategies: Determine the type of partnership that best suits your goals and budget, whether it's sponsored content, affiliate marketing, product collaborations, or brand ambassadorships.
  3. Negotiate mutually beneficial terms: Clearly define expectations, deliverables, and compensation for the influencer partnership to ensure a fair and productive collaboration.
  4. Create engaging content: Work with influencers to co-create authentic and engaging content that resonates with their audience and drives traffic to your website through compelling calls-to-action.
  5. Track and analyze performance: Monitor key metrics such as website traffic, referral sources, engagement, and conversions attributed to influencer partnerships, and use insights to optimize future collaborations and maximize ROI.
A profile picture of a humanoid android robot.

Tools and Resources to Pair With the RICE Framework

To make your life easier, here are a few tools that can help manage and visualize your RICE calculations:

  • Spreadsheets: Good old Excel or Google Sheets can help you keep track of scores and sort ideas.
  • Project Management Tools: Software like Asana or Trello can be customized to track RICE scores alongside regular project updates.
  • Analytics Tools: Data from tools like Google Analytics can inform your "Impact" and "Confidence" scores by showing how users currently interact with your website.

Four Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

When diving into RICE framework for ChatGPT prompts, it's easy to trip up if you're not careful.

Let’s highlight some typical missteps and dish out some pro tips to keep you on track.

1. Overlooking User Feedback

Pitfall: Ignoring what users are telling you can skew your "Impact" and "Confidence" estimates. If you're not listening, you might miss out on what’s actually important to them.

Best Practice: Regularly engage with user feedback through surveys, focus groups, or online forums. Incorporate this feedback into your RICE calculations to ensure your project truly resonates with your audience.

2. Misestimating Effort

Pitfall: It’s common to either underestimate or overestimate how much work a change will take, which can mess up your project scheduling big time.

Best Practice: Always consult with the teams involved before setting your "Effort" scores. Getting a reality check from those who'll do the work can help you avoid surprises.

3. Ignoring Data

Pitfall: Basing your scores on gut feelings rather than data is a risky move. Without solid data, your "Confidence" and "Impact" scores might not reflect reality.

Best Practice: Lean on historical data, A/B testing results, and industry benchmarks to ground your RICE scores in reality. The more data driven your approach, the more reliable your outcomes will be.

4. Chasing Perfection

Pitfall: Waiting to gather all possible information before making a decision can lead to paralysis by analysis. If you're always seeking more data, you might delay projects unnecessarily.

Best Practice: Set a threshold for enough information to make an informed decision and stick to it. Sometimes, good enough is perfect, especially in fast paced environments.

A circuit board representing AI and the RICE Framework for ChatGPT.

Maximizing Prompt Effectiveness with RICE

Implementing the RICE framework into your ChatGPT prompt engineering isn't just about following a formula, it's about making smarter, data driven decisions that align with your users' needs and your team's capabilities.

Final Thoughts On the RICE Framework for ChatGPT

The RICE framework offers a systematic approach to sift through a sea of ideas and pinpoint those with the highest potential for positive impact.

By quantifying Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort, you can prioritize projects that are not only impactful but also feasible.

This method ensures that your efforts are directed towards changes that genuinely enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

Start Making Better Decisions Today

Why not take your ChatGPT prompts to the next level? Apply the RICE framework to your next project, and don’t just trust your gut, trust your data.

Once you’ve given it a shot, share your experiences and outcomes. Your insights could help build a community of practice, empowering more developers to make informed, impactful decisions in AI prompt engineering.